Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Falling for Fur

All is officially here in North Carolina and this drop in temperature has me thinking about new prop ideas for the cold weather months.

My entire life, I've sworn I was born in the wrong decade. I've always longed for the glamour days of black and white cinema, ruby red lipstick, and FUR... yes, fur!!! (Faux of course, PETA, take me off your list) Isn't it just the epitome of sex appeal or sweet appeal (for the babies)??

I'll definitely be incorporating it into the prop closet this year. Here are some of my favorite finds so far (for inside the bedroom and beyond)

And finally, the piece de resistance


  1. I love furs with the under 12 months crowd (& boudoir). LOVE that first fur that you posted, with the pillow ... or are those feathers?!

  2. MommaKT, Its fur AND feathers!!! I absolutely <3 it!

  3. Fur is so romantic. I felt like I was meant for another age too. But here we are in this present age bringing the elegance and class back:O)
    Love the pictures...
