Friday, September 14, 2012

All About Brows!

Here's an idea, in your spare time, Google Eyebrow Fail (or just click that link). Laughing your pants off yet??

Seriously, is there anything worse than a bad brow?? Well maybe one or two things, but they involve weapons of mass destruction, so in reality, bad brows pretty much take the cake. "What do I do?" you may be asking, well, I called up my fabulous Make Up Artist Angel and asked her her opinion on brows. Here is what she has to say on the topic:

Happy Friday, everyone! One of my favorite features is eyebrows! Providing such a beautiful frame for "the windows to the soul", well groomed eyebrows are a must in your beauty regimen. Here are a few tips to keep your eyebrows looking fabulous:

1. Find your ideal shape.

To find your natural brow shape and thickness, let your eyebrows grow out for a month. Now, I know the thought of this is overwhelming, but trust me! Fuller, thicker eyebrows are in for the fall! Then, hold the brush against the side of your nose so its tip rests on your forehead. Your brows should begin where the edge of the bristles lands. Next, align the brush with the outside edge of your iris. Where the brush meets your brow is your arch. Finally, hold the brush diagonally from your nostril to the outer corner of your eye and up to your brow. The point where the brush intersects with the brow is where the brow should end. Easy enough, right?

2. Tweeze when you need to, but skip waxing.

What? Skip your scheduled trip to the salon for your waxing? Though tweezing allows you to pull only one hair at a time, it's safer than waxing because you don't risk being burned, having an allergic reaction to the wax or stripping away your whole eyebrow.

3. If you have long eyebrow hairs, cut them.

Brush out your brows using a brow brush or a clean mascara spoolie and use a small pair of scissors to trim any that are lying just outside of your natural brow line. Think of this like trimming your hedges. You are not pruning them, just trimming, sparingly, and carefully!

4. Fill in your brows.

I prefer powder eye shadow over gels or pencils, but pencils can be good for someone who has very sparse brows. Be wary of applying your pencil too heavily. It can look obvious. You're only filling in, not drawing them on. You can apply powder over the pencil to soften the look and help prevent it from looking too "precise". Brow gels are good for those who would like to add a bit of color or need a small amount of fill in.

And a trusty stand by for those of us who tend to have unruly eyebrows, swipe a little clear mascara through them to keep them in place!

Stay beautiful,

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